Network With Other Single Moms And Find Single Dads!


Moms Kids and Cribs is at the ground level. We have been inspired to seek ways to provide housing for single mothers and their children. After being a single mom and raising children myself I know how difficult and draining it can be to think about what tomorrow can bring.

I want to raise awareness to the people that own homes and have room they can rent to a struggling single parent. You don't have to be in need for extra money to share your space. There are some adults that would love the companionship of assistance from someone else that really needs them instead of waiting for your own children to visit whenever they have a moment from their own life.

I know that some people are designed to think about what others are saying about them if they begin to rent out rooms. People will think you need the money or are in danger of loosing your home. Rather you are or not you will know that your service is helping someone that needs  a descent place to live when they can no other way afford it.

                                                      Good News!!!

We are  forming a non profit organization to assist single parents in their apartment and housing search.
We will be getting a donation button soon to except all help from wonderful people.
Our date site "Moms Kids And Cribs Dating "is up and running to help single mom to network with each other for apartment sharing opportunities. The site is a dating site that will attract people single parents together to network.